Page Time: 1.4650s

Memory: 3.3902 MB (Peak: 4.5795 MB)

Queries (30, time: 1.4338s, 97.9%)

  1. SELECT thread.*
    		user.gender, user.avatar_date, user.gravatar,
    		NULL AS thread_read_date,
    		0 AS thread_reply_banned,
    		0 AS thread_is_watched,
    		'' AS draft_message, NULL AS draft_extra,
                    IF(sticky_thread_order.display_order IS NULL, 1000, sticky_thread_order.display_order) AS sticky_display_order
    FROM xf_thread AS thread
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    			(user.user_id = thread.user_id)
                    LEFT JOIN sticky_thread_order AS sticky_thread_order ON(sticky_thread_order.thread_id = thread.thread_id)
    WHERE thread.thread_id = ?
    Params: 1904387
    Run Time: 0.000476
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEsticky_thread_orderrefPRIMARYPRIMARY4const1Using index
  2. SELECT node.*, forum.*
    	permission.cache_value AS node_permission_cache,
    		NULL AS forum_read_date
    FROM xf_forum AS forum
    INNER JOIN xf_node AS node ON (node.node_id = forum.node_id)
    	LEFT JOIN xf_permission_cache_content AS permission
    		ON (permission.permission_combination_id = 1
    			AND permission.content_type = 'node'
    			AND permission.content_id = forum.node_id)
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 22
    Run Time: 0.000318
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  3. SELECT post.*
    		bb_code_parse_cache.parse_tree AS message_parsed, bb_code_parse_cache.cache_version AS message_cache_version,
    		user.*, IF(user.username IS NULL, post.username, user.username) AS username,
    		signature_parse_cache.parse_tree AS signature_parsed, bb_code_parse_cache.cache_version AS signature_cache_version,
    		session_activity.view_date AS last_view_date,
    		0 AS like_date
    FROM xf_post AS post
    		LEFT JOIN xf_bb_code_parse_cache AS bb_code_parse_cache ON
    			(bb_code_parse_cache.content_type = 'post' AND bb_code_parse_cache.content_id = post.post_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user AS user ON
    			(user.user_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user_profile AS user_profile ON
    			(user_profile.user_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_user_privacy AS user_privacy ON
    			(user_privacy.user_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_bb_code_parse_cache AS signature_parse_cache ON
    			(signature_parse_cache.content_type = 'signature' AND signature_parse_cache.content_id = post.user_id)
    		LEFT JOIN xf_session_activity AS session_activity ON
    			(post.user_id > 0 AND session_activity.user_id = post.user_id AND session_activity.unique_key = CAST(post.user_id AS BINARY))
    WHERE post.thread_id = ?
    	 AND (post.position >= 160 AND post.position < 180) 
    	AND (post.message_state IN ('visible'))
    ORDER BY post.position ASC, post.post_date ASC
    Params: 1904387
    Run Time: 0.004228
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLEpostrangethread_id_post_date,thread_id_positionthread_id_position8 20Using index condition; Using where; Using filesort
    SIMPLEbb_code_parse_cacheeq_refcontent_type_idcontent_type_id31const, where 
    SIMPLEsignature_parse_cacheeq_refcontent_type_idcontent_type_id31const, where,func1Using where
  4. INSERT DELAYED INTO xf_thread_view
    Params: 1904387
    Run Time: 0.000154
  5. SELECT node.*
    FROM xf_node AS node
    WHERE node.node_id = ?
    Params: 22
    Run Time: 0.000224
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
  6. SELECT *
    FROM xf_brivium_metadata
    WHERE  content_type = ? AND content_id = ?
    Params: thread, 1904387
    Run Time: 0.737403
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_brivium_metadataALL    2025047Using where
  7. SELECT *
    FROM xf_brivium_metadata
    WHERE  content_type = ? AND content_id = ?
    Params: forum, 22
    Run Time: 0.630081
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_brivium_metadataALL    2025047Using where
  8. INSERT INTO `xf_session` (`session_id`, `session_data`, `expiry_date`) VALUES (?, ?, ?)
    Params: 3ab6b8c6c0f665ad21c92d3895468b89, , 1713910854
    Run Time: 0.000254
  9. INSERT INTO xf_session_activity
    	(user_id, unique_key, ip, controller_name, controller_action, view_state, params, view_date, robot_key)
    	(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    	ip = VALUES(ip),
    	controller_name = VALUES(controller_name),
    	controller_action = VALUES(controller_action),
    	view_state = VALUES(view_state),
    	params = VALUES(params),
    	view_date = VALUES(view_date),
    	robot_key = VALUES(robot_key)
    Params: 0, , , XenForo_ControllerPublic_Thread, Index, valid, thread_id=1904387&page=9, 1713907254,
    Run Time: 0.000124
  10. SELECT title, template_compiled
    FROM xf_template_compiled
    WHERE title IN ('page_nav', 'bb_code_tag_code', 'bb_code_tag_php', 'bb_code_tag_html', 'bb_code_tag_quote', 'bb_code_tag_attach', 'bb_code_tag_spoiler', 'xengallery_bb_code_tag_gallery', 'BRME_page_container_head', 'thread_view', 'xengallery_tab_links', 'bdcache_moderator_bar', 'xengallery_comments_block', 'xengallery_media_block_items', 'PAGE_CONTAINER')
    	AND style_id = ?
    	AND language_id = ?
    Params: 3, 1
    Run Time: 0.000851
    Select TypeTableTypePossible KeysKeyKey LenRefRowsExtra
    SIMPLExf_template_compiledrangePRIMARYPRIMARY60 15Using where
  11. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2933698, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002744
  12. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2933885, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.003049
  13. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2933893, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.005356
  14. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2933915, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.003848
  15. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2933939, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.004279
  16. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2933969, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.001631
  17. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934004, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.003043
  18. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934063, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002627
  19. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934430, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002965
  20. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934446, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002619
  21. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934455, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002705
  22. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934460, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.001426
  23. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934473, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002803
  24. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934501, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002842
  25. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934510, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002125
  26. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934521, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.004168
  27. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934530, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002356
  28. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934538, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002730
  29. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934554, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.002568
  30. INSERT INTO xf_bb_code_parse_cache
    	(content_type, content_id, parse_tree, cache_version, cache_date)
    VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
    ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE parse_tree = VALUES(parse_tree),
    	cache_version = VALUES(cache_version),
    	cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)
    Params: post, 2934566, a:1:{i:0;s:543:"Kik: jennyqtxx I'm SELŁLING.Don't ask for freè nude previews.I'll say your name on live video to prove if you bu y it I'm real, but I'm NOT GETTING NAKED FOR FREÈ. 1.gets you pics and videos of me playing with myself. 2. mycollection, 3. gets you everything in my gallery. 4.Sexting. 5.Kik live show 6. gets you my live pics with live kik camera At the 1st and 15th of every month, I choose a winner. The winner gets everything in my gallery, and 50 personalized/custom videos.KIK: jennyqtxxDon't waste my time or you will beblocked";}, 1515366401, 1713907254
    Run Time: 0.003826

Included Files (112, XenForo Classes: 61)

  1. index.php
  2. library/XenForo/Autoloader.php
  3. library/XenForo/Application.php
  4. library/Zend/Registry.php
  5. library/Lgpl/utf8.php
  6. library/Zend/Config.php
  7. library/config.php
  8. library/XenForo/FrontController.php
  9. library/XenForo/Dependencies/Public.php
  10. library/XenForo/Dependencies/Abstract.php
  11. library/Zend/Controller/Request/Http.php
  12. library/Zend/Controller/Request/Abstract.php
  13. library/Zend/Uri.php
  14. library/Zend/Controller/Response/Http.php
  15. library/Zend/Controller/Response/Abstract.php
  16. library/XenForo/Model/DataRegistry.php
  17. library/XenForo/Model.php
  18. library/Zend/Cache.php
  19. library/Zend/Cache/Backend/File.php
  20. library/Zend/Cache/Backend/ExtendedInterface.php
  21. library/Zend/Cache/Backend/Interface.php
  22. library/Zend/Cache/Backend.php
  23. library/Zend/Cache/Core.php
  24. library/XenForo/CodeEvent.php
  25. library/XenForo/Options.php
  26. library/XenForo/Link.php
  27. library/XenForo/Template/Helper/Core.php
  28. library/XenGallery/Listener.php
  29. library/Brivium/BriviumHelper/EventListeners.php
  30. library/Brivium/BriviumHelper/1010071/EventListeners.php
  31. library/bdCache/Listener.php
  32. library/bdCache/Option.php
  33. library/bdCache/ShippableHelper/Updater.php
  34. library/GFNKraken/Application.php
  35. library/XenForo/Router.php
  36. library/XenForo/Route/Filter.php
  37. library/XenForo/Route/Interface.php
  38. library/XenForo/Route/ResponseSuffix.php
  39. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix.php
  40. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix/Threads.php
  41. library/XenForo/RouteMatch.php
  42. library/bdCache/Core.php
  43. library/bdCache/Model/Cache.php
  44. library/XenForo/Session.php
  45. library/Zend/Db.php
  46. library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Mysqli.php
  47. library/Zend/Db/Adapter/Abstract.php
  48. library/Zend/Db/Select.php
  49. library/Zend/Db/Expr.php
  50. library/Zend/Db/Profiler.php
  51. library/Zend/Db/Statement/Mysqli.php
  52. library/Zend/Db/Statement.php
  53. library/Zend/Db/Statement/Interface.php
  54. library/XenForo/Helper/Ip.php
  55. library/XenForo/Visitor.php
  56. library/XenForo/Model/User.php
  57. library/bdCache/XenForo/Model/User.php
  58. library/XenGallery/Model/User.php
  59. library/XenForo/Model/Permission.php
  60. library/bdCache/XenForo/Model/Permission.php
  61. library/XenForo/Permission.php
  62. library/XenForo/Helper/Php.php
  63. library/XenForo/Phrase.php
  64. library/XenForo/Locale.php
  65. library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php
  66. library/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Abstract.php
  67. library/XenForo/Controller.php
  68. library/STO/Listener.php
  69. library/STO/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php
  70. library/Brivium/MetadataEssential/ControllerPublic/Thread.php
  71. library/bdCache/XenForo/ControllerPublic/Thread.php
  72. library/XenForo/Input.php
  73. library/XenForo/ControllerHelper/ForumThreadPost.php
  74. library/XenForo/ControllerHelper/Abstract.php
  75. library/XenForo/Model/Thread.php
  76. library/STO/XenForo/Model/Thread.php
  77. library/bdCache/XenForo/Model/Thread.php
  78. library/Zend/Db/Profiler/Query.php
  79. library/XenForo/Model/Forum.php
  80. library/XenForo/Helper/String.php
  81. library/XenForo/Helper/Discussion.php
  82. library/XenForo/Model/Post.php
  83. library/XenForo/Model/Attachment.php
  84. library/GFNKraken/Listener/LoadClass.php
  85. library/GFNKraken/Extend/XenForo/Model/Attachment.php
  86. library/XenForo/Model/Node.php
  87. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix/Categories.php
  88. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix/Forums.php
  89. library/Brivium/MetadataEssential/Model/Metadata.php
  90. library/XenForo/ControllerResponse/View.php
  91. library/XenForo/ControllerResponse/Abstract.php
  92. library/bdCache/ControllerHelper/Cache.php
  93. library/XenForo/Helper/Cookie.php
  94. library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/HtmlPublic.php
  95. library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Abstract.php
  96. library/XenForo/Template/Public.php
  97. library/XenForo/Template/Abstract.php
  98. library/XenForo/ViewPublic/Thread/View.php
  99. library/XenForo/ViewPublic/Base.php
  100. library/XenForo/View.php
  101. library/Brivium/MetadataEssential/ViewPublic/Thread/View.php
  102. library/XenForo/BbCode/Parser.php
  103. library/XenForo/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php
  104. library/Brivium/MetadataEssential/BbCode/Formatter/Base.php
  105. library/XenForo/ViewPublic/Helper/Message.php
  106. library/XenForo/BbCode/TextWrapper.php
  107. library/Brivium/MetadataEssential/EventListeners/Listener.php
  108. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix/Members.php
  109. library/XenForo/Route/Prefix/Posts.php
  110. library/XenForo/Model/Avatar.php
  111. library/XenForo/Debug.php
  112. library/XenForo/ViewRenderer/Json.php